Will these slender monsters bend to meet me?
and these never endings stretches, will they contract to greet me?
and the birds, almost non-existing because of too many cranes competing for space, they will not be here to sing the last song for me..
There were birds at the window of the house that didn't turn out to be home
and birds have made home in the ducts of the 'window AC' that didn't turn out to be mine..
even though I had bought it myself at a place that smelled the grocery stores I'm familiar with
and the Ramadan ceremonies that mean folklore to me
and these couple of friends that, well, just like the misleading home and window AC, didn't turn out to be friends..
They left, and left Vodka and Cognac at my door
One of them transubstantiated into a bottle of 'Absolute Vodka' and the other into 'Courvoisier Cognac'. Both bottles are still intact because I do not drink alone, and because I do not want the two girls to evaporate like the 50% and 40% Vol. alcohol(respectively). It's too disturbing for my sanity to accept the fact they have evaporated, like everything that comes and goes, gracefully tiptoeing at these marble and asphalt floors, ignoring the noises..
and what will I leave at whose door?
and will the footage I will take with my (not yet mine) Handycam serve any purpose?
will it be more than a futile exercise in zooming in an out,
when the textures and details, and for the first time, do not really matter?
This time it's trickier to bid farewell to things I love
to winds I barely felt, a sun that tired more than inspired
or to creatures, or places I have appropriated
I can only say 'assalamou alaykom' to supernatural phenomena, to abstract things like hopes and dreams
and yes indeed, all these towers and cranes do inspire hope
for things that compete with Godot in absence and impossibility..
If I want to say anything about what was formerly said, is that don't worry if the monsters didnt bend, or the birds didnt sing, or the Vodka & Coniac bottles stayed intact, or the "futileness" of you footage was felt & seen, just remember that you left a trace in a place you lived in, you interacted with, and mingled in its surrounding. This may make you feel better.
I am sorry to tell you that it is not as incomprehensible as may want it to be... Which is as it should be.
(Now how's that for cryptic? ;)
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