Monday, April 2, 2007

Fringe 1: Consumable Memory

Accumulation of memory saves the day when things become a bit too bland. Luckily the past exists, and so does the capacity to daydream, and to be able to freely transform memories into a more consumable present moment.One serious blow to the value of memory is that it can be replaced with Polo mints, a walk down a corridor with rain pouring (not necessarily, a walk would suffice), or futile searches in insignificant magazines stacked on a desk begging for sympathy and thus advertising space. I sometimes do justice to the value of memory by replacing it with significant magazines: Forbes Arabia, Arabian Business, any combination of money and Arabia will do. In reality, Mondanite or black coffee are as entertaining, and as effective as their more 'mission vision' distraction tool counterparts in replacing the memory regurgitation game.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.